It seemed to me that the 'book' feature in iPhoto would be a good way to assemble and view a portfolio of pictures. So I bundled up a collection of photos that I took on the N Judah streetcar and CalTrain while I was commuting to radiation therapy at UCSF's radiation oncology department in San Francisco.
We did a quick first draft, mostly to see how the repro in the book looked relative to the photos on screen (predictably, the shadows became darker) and then fixed up and sent off a second draft, which came back this past Friday.
I've posted a page which gives more information about the project, and allows readers to download a PDF version of the second draft - a 'public beta' (please feel free to leave your comments). With a bit more fiddling with some of the photos, we'll be ready to print a very limited run edition which will be offered for sale. We may also offer prints of some of the photos... signed by the 'artist'...